What We Do


Environmental Site Assessments (ESA’s)

  • Phase I Assessments per ASTM Standard E1527-13

  • Phase 2 Subsurface Investigations

  • Phase 3 Remediation Activities:

    • Excavation and Disposal

    • Waste Profile and Disposal

    • RECAP assessments

    • Groundwater Well Installations

    • Soil & Groundwater Remediation

Environmental Consulting

  • Regulatory Investigations

  • Compliance Issues

Environmental Audits and Investigations

  • Site Inspections

  • Transaction Screening Questionnaires

  • Governmental Record Reviews

Environmental Project Oversight

  • Environmental Report Reviews

  • Environmental Permits

  • Hazardous Materials Removal Oversight

Historical Records Review

  • Review of City Directories

  • Aerials Maps

  • Topographic Maps

  • Sanborn Maps

Environmental Regulatory Compliance

  • HUD (Housing and Urban Development)
    24CFR Part 55 Environmental Compliance

  • LA DEQ RECAP (Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality - Risk Evaluation/Corrective Action Program) Lab Packing

  • SHPO (State Historic Preservation Officer) 

Underground Storage Tank (UST) Closure (QAPP, HASP, CAP, etc)

Brownfields/Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP)

Wetlands Surveys and Delineation

NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) Studies

Hazardous Waste Identification & PCB Sampling

NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials)

Asbestos Inspections

Lead Paint Inspections

Mold Remediation Oversight

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Storm Water Compliance

Environmental Testing

  • Soil

  • Water

  • Groundwater

  • Air

  • Lead

  • Building Materials

Environmental Education Training

  • Current Regulations

  • Employee Training